Hi there!

I’m Michael, a learning and development specialist, keen mountain biker, and terrible singer.

I’ve got a black belt in instructional design and e-learning development and I find solutions that might surprise you.

From mine-site inductions to university e-learning, I’ve designed training resources for safety, healthcare, electric vehicles and more.

Samples of my work

Image of people using their tablets for elearning

E-Learning & Digital Projects

Inductions, micro-courses and blended learning workshops.

Building adult training resources with Articulate 360, Adobe Captivate, Learning Management systems and more.

Abstract photo showing a close-up of a permit number in a checklist book.

Checklists & Job Aides

Risk assessments, rubrics, procedures and pocket guides.

I leverage my expertise in various industries and graphic design skills to develop clear, concise, and visually appealing training resources.

Photo of a Bushranger Club sticker stuck to a car's windscreen

Community Project Work

Young and old, rookies to pros. Building a training program for mountain bikers.

Completing a needs analysis, conducting workshops and project managing a training curriculum that catered to all club members.

Recent posts

A venn diagram showing me at the conjunction between graphic design and instructional design

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